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Realtor Marketing

Giant List of 100+ Marketing Stats Reveals What Actually Works

By Marketing Strategy, Realtor Marketing, Social Media

Jeff Desjardins has assembled the definitive marketing stats for almost anything you could imagine. You can read the post and view the Infographic by clicking here. The actual Infographic is too big to post here, but here are some of the highlights. Since writing this post I have come across a similar resource at titled 100+ Sales Statistics You’ll Want to Share with Your Team TODAY. Click here to read the post.


  • The top five search results for a keyword on Google get 70% of the clicks.
  • Google is responsible for 94% of total organic traffic.
  • 75% of people never scroll past the first page of search engine results.
  • 50% of searches are 4 keywords or longer.
  • The top 5 results get 70% of the clicks.
  • Search engines drive 300% more traffic to websites than social media.

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5 Marketing Mistakes Realtors® Make

By Marketing Strategy, Realtor Marketing

Making a list of marketing mistakes that Realtors® make was not much different than a list that all businesses are guilty of. The good news is that you can correct or improve in all 5 of these areas without spending any money or even taking a lot of time.

It starts with a plan of the marketing activities for the coming year that will assist you in meeting your financial objectives, help you target your financial and time resources and act as a blueprint for the rest of your career.

A marketing plan defines and prioritizes your target audiences, so you can focus your marketing efforts where they will do the most good. It maps out how you are going to find and attract new clients. It reflects the benefits you offer that will be relevant and appealing to your target audiences. Your positioning is the basis for all your communication materials, advertising and contact points—and it can eliminate inconsistencies in your messaging and materials.

• Write out your marketing plan
• Set marketing goals and objectives i.e. add 4 new prospects to your sphere of influence per month.
• Set aside money for a monthly marketing budget – Start with taking 5% of your past year’s commissions.
• Develop a marketing calendar – a to-do list of all your marketing activities with implementation dates and who’s going to do them.

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5 Tips For Realtors® Prepping For an Open House

By Realtor Marketing

I hear a lot of negative feedback about the effectiveness of open houses, but it may be the way these clients are approaching them. Are they fully prepared to show the home and demonstrate their knowledge? Because almost every open house visitor is a potential client.

There are 5 main topics of interest for someone visiting an open house.

1) What is the price?

It is easy to rattle off the price, but what if you had comparables with you that you used to establish the asking price. I recommend you make a list of houses in the area in the same price range.

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The Top 15 Open House Direct Mail Postcards That Work!

By Realtor Marketing

If you are going to mail out or hand deliver a postcard to announce an open house you should ensure it is as well designed and effective as possible. You want people who receive the card to draw the conclusion that you are great at marketing homes so they may consider using you as their Realtor®.

Check out some of our designs below. Click the icon like the one below for fullscreen.


90 Days To Real Estate Success

By Marketing Strategy, Realtor Marketing

Over the past 16 plus years of working with Realtors® I have been part of and seen dozens of different approaches to starting a career in real estate; some successful and some not. Like any business, the most important things when starting as a Realtor® is to have a marketing plan and a budget. Getting your license is the easy part. Creating a viable, sustainable business is where the hard work is required.

I learned a long time ago that it takes about 90 days for any marketing initiative to bear fruit which means whatever is happening in your business today is the result of what you were working on 90 days ago. With that theory in mind, I think you need 90 days to launch or relaunch a real estate career. It is tempting to try and do everything in the first week, but a measured approach with weekly milestones will ensure you’re not missing any key steps, that you are building towards a goal and you are implementing a plan rather than flying by the seat of your pants.

I compiled ideas from many different sources and added my own experience to create this E-Book titled 90 Days To Real Estate Success. It reflects the measured approach I recommend and while the tasks and events are laid out by week, they are not etched in stone. Use this as a guideline to ensure you lay a strong foundation for your real estate business. If you need some help along the way please call Mike Blaney at 604-618-5512 or 1-800-568-8338.

You can view the E-Book using the flip book viewer below. There is an option to download the pdf, but you can also click here for your own pdf copy.

Click the Enlarge button  in the bottom menu for optimum viewing.

Build Your Own Ubertor Website

By Realtor Marketing, Responsive Websites, Website Design

We think Limelight is the first company to provide a tool for a Realtor to design and build their own website.  The flip book below displays all of the options for a great website. We actually have a website called Limelight Website Options that is a live display of all of these features and you can actually choose all of the components from the Build Your Own Ubertor Website web page, submit the form, get a Photoshop version of the site emailed to you by the next day and on approval we can have the first reveal of your website to you within 24 hours. Or call us at 604-618-5512 or 1-800-568-8338 and we will walk you through the process.

Click the Enlarge button  in the bottom menu for optimum viewing.

Realtor Branding, Marketing Services and Collateral Marketing Material Booklet

By Branding, Collateral, Direct Mail, Listing Presentations, Prospecting, Realtor Marketing

We are very proud of our new booklet featuring our services including Realtor Branding, Marketing Services, Collateral Marketing Material, Blogging and Listing Optimization and want to share it with you. The prices are for budget purposes only as we will provide a firm proposal for services once we learn more about your needs. Call us at 604-618-5512 or 1-800-568-8338 for more information. You can see sample of our branding by clicking here.

Click the Enlarge button  in the bottom menu for optimum viewing.

Custom Design Your Ubertor Website and Save!!!

By Realtor Marketing, Ubertor, Website Design

You can spend hours looking through our websites on Pinterest trying to identify the options you want on your website or you can visit our Limelight Website Options website to review almost every bell and whistle we offer and place your order for a custom design using our Build Your Own Ubertor Website page.

How does it work?

Limelight Starter websites include the standard following features:

  1. A top masthead or header area
  2. Scenic or real estate related banners
  3. Featured Listings
  4. Call to Action buttons linked to the appropriate pages
  5. Testimonial slider
  6. A widget of your choice
  7. Footer

Click here to learn more about our Starter websites. We have 4 examples on this page, but they are more guidelines than fixed templates.

The Process

  1. Select one of our professionally designed headers (The order form can be viewed by clicking here.)
  2. Choose from our rotating banner options
  3. Pick a call to action style to drive prospective customers to become leads
  4. Pick a featured listing style to showcase your listings!
  5. Pick a testimonial style to showcase what your clients are saying
  6. Choose a footer style that will be seen on every page
  7. Select one widget to enhance your websites’ effectiveness
  8. Enter you contact info and submit your selections and leave the work to Limelight.

You can also use our Limelight Website Features site for larger versions of the widgets and features to help in making your choices. Click here to visit the website.

The order form can be viewed by clicking here.

How do you save?

The first 5 orders receive a 15% discount off the $1299.00 price for a savings of $190.85. You pay only $1,104.15.